не дома на отец...

не дома на отец...


Дата публикации: 5 сентября 2017
Просмотров: 357



Комментарии (1)
Iwan Iwanov # 5 сентября 2017 в 19:39
With this bike I started the spring taking short woods with a bag for dinner having with no electricity a Gözde cooking metal machine with a necesity of any 1\2 meter cube any wood of burn.So I was making on the first floor terrace a barbecue and a food for me in the mice in the evening(The story is the start for another pictures chapter after the last or an explain for the same).After or before dinner I was drinking outside 2-3 beers and I was buying a wine, big or small, maybe until 2 liters at the budget national price.After maybe I was sleeping before dinner not to fall in any place because of the exces, so each day I was boying anyway 5 up to 7 breads of 300 grams for me and the mice plus the cooked rice and potatoes remained material maybe for a chicken supe, so the mice and rats were eating oraginised the soft or the strong under my head, especially the bread or everything in the morning, what was giving my the certainess that wasn't a snake in the time of their presence as I was awaking to pee and change a 300 grams bread from 5-7.In the morning I was starting all over with a first barbecue at lunch on the first floor terrace.The First Person from the local police came in the morning to take me friendly at the hospital of the city in Caransebeș, where I had an easy treatment with sleeping pils ans strenghtning perfusions, I had also after for a week Diazepam and Fenobarbital but when I saw again my house I was having the courtyard erased and the rats dead, that meaning the mothers and grandmothers of my life biggest wander after the snakes from England, Austria and Spain, so i now learn Spanish to go to my cousin in Argentina in case I'll not be again allowed to live there as I escaped the military service with the psychiatry and my father's sister made a legal action against the heritage along with my cousins but I like enough Spain for the language.
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