Roses on the Castle Wall in the Courtyard...

Roses on the Castle Wall in the Courtyard...

... of the Castle Ruin DILSBERG, June 2019

Дата публикации: 19 августа 2019
Просмотров: 501

Фото нравится: +107




Комментарии (3)
Gerd E. Nelly # 19 августа 2019 в 21:40
The Story from "The Rose of Dilsberg".The Rose vom Dilsberg is reminiscent of the daughter of Count Heinrich von Dueren, who had a sad fate, as two knights stopped for their hand, a Landschad von Steinach and a knight Wolf von Hirschhorn. When it turned out that she was attached to the knight Wolf, the rejected groom vowed revenge and killed Ritter Wolf on the way to the Dilsberg behind. The castle was already preparing for the wedding and no one dared to tell the bride the crime. When a servant of the bride announced the tragedy, she plunged from the castle wall. At the place where her body was found, since then grows a large rose bush with white roses.
Ольга Мартышева # 19 августа 2019 в 21:53
Какая интересная легенда!
Gerd E. Nelly # 19 августа 2019 в 22:42
... yes, Olga and there is also a stage play that will be performed at the castle. Here is a short version and a long version, I hope you can open this LINK, have fun watching it smile
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