дома на отец

дома на отец

Румыния 2016

Дата публикации: 10 февраля 2016
Просмотров: 209



Комментарии (1)
Iwan Iwanov # 10 февраля 2016 в 01:01
The Royal Viper I think, only the vipers are venomous snakes in Romania, came at the end of summer on the tennis field and I adopted it, at its will is a mortal risk in the grass, there are also grey thick garbage pythons and some water fine grey snakes but I think most in the grass vipers because is more a poisoned noise, the pythons are having more an intestine strength with sickness and maybe weaker venomous aren't immune to vipers, this although seems to be a mutation and I remember I took it black, was also in summer a black, 1 meter snake with green under neck and I think somebody changed it in the house when it was being in the hotel up, less protected at all doors and windows, may be a military weaker product.
Фотолюбитель Хабаровск
Фотограф Хабаровск
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Фотолюбитель Москва
фотохудожник Армавир
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Фотолюбитель Москва
Фотограф Москва
Фотограф Москва
мопсист или... Санкт-Петербург
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